Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Random Moments

Cayden and Avery reading their magazines:


At bedtime, Avery always asks us to “ock” (rock) in the rocking chair, but the past few weeks when we try to rock her she says, “ME!” or “MINE!” meaning she wants to rock herself! So, we had to show you a picture of Avery rocking herself:

IMG_0981  Cayden and Avery each filled a shoe box for a little boy and girl their age who won’t get anything else for Christmas. If you aren’t familiar with this is it through Samaritan’s Purse and it’s called Operation Christmas Child. I worried that Avery wouldn’t part with the Hello Kitty coloring book, but she loved the idea of giving it to another little girl…she is a sweetie.

IMG_0989  Last, but not least, Avery had some great “bed-head” going on the other day!IMG_0990

1 comment:

jarcarhar said...

How did Avery get a hold of my morning wig?!